Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hate and Homophobia

Since when did these two words become synonymous? I'm not really sure. Guess I missed that memo, but the recent upstart over Chick-fil-a's recent stand on marriage really has got me standing back and looking at what I believe since I could easily be grouped in with the "gay hating Christians."

Hi, my name is Katherine. When I was very young I made the decision to give my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. I chose to be part of something bigger than myself, and something that would require me to die to myself....pretty much daily. Unlike many, my decision was real no matter how young I was. I never had any doubts that I wasn't truly set on following Jesus. Now I am a junior in college and my beliefs are the same; maybe a bit more refined and wiser, but the same. I still believe that God created the world and sent His son Jesus to redeem the world as the final sacrifice for the sins of humanity. I believe I have a relationship with Him and am able to grow in the faith that I have. 

What I don't believe? Hate. Do I still participate in it? Yes...but not in the way you're thinking. The natural tendencies of any human, religious or not, is to dislike things different, uncomfortable, or just opposing of you. And, news flash, religion does not save you from being human. 

Many people refer to the Leviticus passage in the Bible as a reason to stand against homosexuality. Contextually, it is surrounded by rules and laws made for the holiness of the God's people before Jesus became the final sacrifice. But, in the New Testament homosexuality is mentioned again. Romans 1:28-32 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 both bring it up. The first passage does not single out homosexuality, but groups it with...oh i don't know....other sins? Homosexuality in the Bible is considered a sin...among every other sin. It is not a bigger or worse sin than...say...being a liar. Now before you all get your panties in a twist for me calling this lifestyle a sin, here's my point.
People claim they are born this way. Well guess what? I was born a liar, cheater, hater, gossiper, murderer, adulterer, and anything else you can think of. I was born that way, and I realized that without a Savior I would be that way my entire life and I decided to fight it. And I am not in this fight alone.

Now, while my faith dictates that I believe the entire Bible is true, I struggle greatly. I don't like having to tell people I do not support homosexuality. Some of the most interesting and beautiful people in my life have chosen this, and it's scary to think that they would assume I hated them. I could not sooner hate them than count the stars in the sky. Unfortunately, it is hard for people to comprehend that you cannot support, and not hate something at the same time.

If you do not believe there's a God, or only selectively read parts of the Bible then to you my argument is invalid or insensitive. I'm sorry for the offense, but just as you have the right to stand for your ideas, so do I. I hope collectively that my actions speak louder than any words written over the internet. I'm not here to beat my beliefs and faith over anyone's head, but I am here to stand firm in what I believe in, even if it makes people angry.

If anything, I'm writing this so no one has doubts on what my stance is on the subject, and for you all to keep me accountable on what I say. Call me out if you prefer, and I will be refined by fire.

continually refined,



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